☆Buddha's Protection
Type: Accessory
Subtype: Amulet / Protection Necklace
Used by character(s): Wildwalker, Edgerunner, Technician, Stormbringer, Duskblade, Mystic, Seeker, Cleric, Archer, Assassin, Barbarian, Venomancer, Psychic, Wizard, Blademaster
LV. 13
Physical Defense +284
Level Required: 100

Price: 36.805 / 73.610
Stacked: 1
No binding

Destroyed to: 5 Perfect Stone

Award from quest

Card Hero Token (1+)

Items Addons:


Phys. Res.: +118 - 2.25%

Metal Resistance +189 - 3%

Metal Resistance +173 - 4.51%

Wood Resistance +173 - 2.25%

Wood Resistance +189 - 1.5%

Water Resistance +173 - 2.25%

Water Resistance +189 - 1.5%

Fire Resistance +173 - 2.25%

Fire Resistance +189 - 1.5%

Earth Resistance +173 - 2.25%

Earth Resistance +189 - 1.5%

HP: +165 - 1.69%

Strength +7~8 - 2.25%

Strength +9 - 2.25%

Dexterity +7~8 - 2.25%

Magic +7~8 - 2.25%

Vitality +7~8 - 3.61%

Vitality +9 - 3.61%

Accuracy +98 - 4.51%

Accuracy +107 - 3.38%

Evasion +125 - 3%

Maximum Endurance +75% - 4.51%

Maximum Endurance +75% - 4.51%

Reduce Phys. damage +1% - 1.8%

Reduce Phys. damage +2% - 0.9%

Unidentified +??? - 33.33%

EXP +1% - 0.9%

EXP +2% - 0.45%

Item can be crafted
Recipe: N/A资料片黄色物项配方

Rubylight:Springrush Amulet

Mystical Tome Fragment (2)

Probability to create: 100.00%

Lunar Forge: Ornament

The Lunar Glade: 355 547 (22)

Recipe: N/A资料片蓝色物项配方

Golden Sculpture (8)

Stamina Material

Stone of the Scarred (3)

Luminostone (8)

Probability to create: 0.30%

Ancient Forge: Earth

ChronoWorld: 369 515 (47)

Ancient Forge: Earth

ChronoWorld 1 - Heaven's Tear: 369 515 (47)