Silver Hierogram
Restore MP 1800000
Triggrer when value is 0.75%
Cooldown Time 5 sec.

Price: 1.000 / 10.000.000
Stacked: 1
Bind to character. (19)

Award from quest

2012攻击力超级礼盒 (0)
PW Holy Paladin VIP Pack (0)
WeChat Gratitude Pack (0)
Item can be crafted
Recipe: PK Supplement Exchange 4

Morning Starsand

Probability to create: 100.00%

Dragon Peacemaker

World: 529 634 (22)

Dragon Peacemaker

World: 577 635 (22)

Dragon Peacemaker

World: 583 675 (22)

Dragon Peacemaker

World: 524 679 (22)