Prophet Mogo
Subtype: Battle
LV. 40

Price: 5 / 90.000.000
Stacked: 1
Bind, no shared stash allowed, cannot sell. (16407)
Item is a part of a complect "Shroud"

The mysterious leader of the Shroud. His unique magical powers
allow him to walk freely among the living and the dead.

Can be found in

War Avatar Treasure Box - 0.05%

War Avatar Pack A - 0.19%

War Avatar Pack S - 0.09%

War Avatar Treasure Box - 0.05%

War Avatar Chest: A - 1.43%

War Avatar Treasure Box - 0.05%

War Avatar Battle Pack - 0.07%

War Avatar Pack: Battle - 1.00%

Advanced War Avatar Pack - 1.50%

War Avatar Pack S - 0.09%

Random Mall table 1694 - 随机战灵商城 - 0.05%