Scroll of Sealing

Price: 0 / 10.000.000
Stacked: 1
Bind, no shared stash allowed. (16403)

Effect: Cast a LV10 Scroll of Sealing

Use to enter a Dimensional Rift.
Once inside the rift will be sealed, returning you to the Primal World.

Used in area: a63???

Award from quest

Reading Comprehension (0)

Bind Monster

Dimensional Rift (150) - a63???: 446 531 (19)

Dimensional Rift (150) - a63???: 496 472 (6)

Dimensional Rift (150) - a63???: 431 503 (24)

Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
The Secret of the Shoka 0 1 Required to finish quest