Windfall of Wealth


Look for a Blessing of Wealth and take it to the Kung Fu Master for a reward.

Required items

Blessing of Wealth  Amount:1

Required to do

Get: Blessing of Wealth  Amount:0


Gold: 1.000

Exp: 0

SP: 0

Reputation: 0


Master of Kungfu - "World" 432 878(27)

Master of Kungfu - "World" 330 428(22)

Master of Kungfu - "World" 248 648(26)

Master of Kungfu - "World" 534 642(22)

Master of Kungfu - "World" 666 368(23)

Master of Kungfu - "World" 127 861(38)

Award NPC

Master of Kungfu - "World" 432 878(27)

Master of Kungfu - "World" 330 428(22)

Master of Kungfu - "World" 248 648(26)

Master of Kungfu - "World" 534 642(22)

Master of Kungfu - "World" 666 368(23)

Master of Kungfu - "World" 127 861(38)

Quest Info

Level: 85+

Can't give up

Repeatable after failure
