Pet Cage Extension


Give 20Green Grassor onePet Cageto the Pet Administrator, expands the Pet Packsack by two spaces.


Gold: 0

Exp: 0

SP: 0

Reputation: 0

Increase pet bag cells up to 2


Pet Manager - "World" 124 861(38)

Pet Manager - "World" 431 890(27)

Pet Manager - "World" 244 645(26)

Pet Manager - "World" 529 672(22)

Pet Manager - "World" 330 425(22)

Pet Manager - "World" 673 377(23)

Pet Manager - "World" 376 238(24)

Pet Manager - "World" 665 137(24)

Quest Info

Level: 0

Can give up

Repeatable after failure


Gather Green Grass (First)

Pet Cage