Outside World - Compromise | |
DescriptionLuminance Tactician Mur failed to have Li Zenchi accept his advice. What's worse, Li Zenchi seems scornful to Mur. Please go talk to Mur and figure out a way to stop Li Zenchi. Required to doKill: Blackwing Bat (88) Amount:5 AwardGold: 0 Exp: 0 SP: 0 Reputation: 0 Title: Master When you understand the rule behind what you see, you become a master. Acquired by reaching 31500 Master Virtue and completing the relevant quest. Items GroupAmount:30
NPCLuminance Tactician Mur - "Morai" 353 568(7) Award NPCReqiured QuestsQuest InfoLevel: 0 Can give up Repeatable after failure |