Romantic Showoff


Find Stone of Eternal Love (321,573) and use the item Dog Stick of Love. Stone of Eternal Love is placed in Magic Kingdom.

Required items

Lovebirds' Society Badge  Amount:1

Given items

Dog Stick of Love  Amount:1 Period: 12H

Required to do


Gold: 0

Exp: 100

SP: 22

Reputation: 0

Items Group

Amount:1  Chosen randomly

Proof to Showoff Love (100%)

Bachelor's Day Title Ticket (100%)

Astrobana Pearl Lv1 (100%)

War Avatar Pack C - 10 (100%)

Nebula Dust Orb - 3 (100%)

Magical Coin·Smile - 5 (34%)

Magical Coin·Stunned - 5 (33%)

Magical Coin·Adore - 5 (33%)

Award for failed quest

Gold: 0

Exp: 0

SP: 0

Reputation: 0

Items Group


Lovebirds' Society Badge


Master Bachelor Gunn - "a91???" 345 545(3)

Quest Info

Level: 0

Can give up

Repeatable after failure
